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File Comment
   T&J Software BBS            (717)325-9481  NODE 1  28.8k
   tjsoft@postoffice.ptd.net   (717)325-2054  NODE 2  28.8k
   FIDO 1:268/400              (717)325-4369  NODE 3  28.8k
       Access on your first call, running Wildcat! BBS software!
               Online ordering using VISA and MASTERCARD!
   DOORS: Prize Vault, Lemonade, Money Market, Dollarmania, T&J Lotto,
          Announce, BadUser, GoodUser, Video Poker, Studs, Studette,
          Bordello, Scramble, OnLine, ANSI Voting Booth, OneRun, Lasso,
          Convince, Ratio!, Strip Poker!, Online Legal Advisor, CONNECT
          Magazine, World Fact Book, Business Cards, LimitLog!, JunkYard!,
          FedJobs, Apocrypha Door, Consumer Info, and USA Census
   UTILS: T&J Top 30 Downloads, T&J Stat, T&J Who Called Yesterday,
          WinCheck!, AgeCheck!, and many more!

Images (5)

Text (20)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CLEARIT.RIP Text File 2 26b 1993-10-25
DESC.SDI Text File 2 53b 1993-10-25
EXTRA.DAT Text File 3 39b 1993-06-01
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 310b 1993-11-11
GOODBYE.ASC Text File 20 1KB 1993-06-05
HISTORY.TXT Text File 14 447b 1993-11-13
MAIN.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1993-05-27
MAIN1.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1993-05-27
ONETICK.DAT Text File 2 5b 1993-11-13
RAFFLE.CFG Text File 5 64b 1993-07-30
RAFFLE.DOC Text File 337 13KB 1993-11-13
RAFFLE.KEY Text File 189 1KB 1993-06-05
REGISTER.TXT Text File 111 5KB 1994-10-23
SYSOP.CFG Text File 17 284b 1993-10-27
TEMPTICK.DAT Text File 2 28b 1993-10-28
TICKLEFT.DAT Text File 2 3b 1993-11-13
TJHELP.TXT Text File 193 8KB 1994-08-07
TJSOFT.TXT Text File 171 8KB 1995-03-18
UPGRADE.DOC Text File 17 632b 1993-11-13
WINNER.DAT Comma Seperated Value File 4 84b 1993-11-13

Other Files (1)
RAFFLE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 118KB 1993-11-13